Czech Republic Czech Republic


Czech Republic: Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) for Packaging

Since January 1, 2021, the extended producer responsibility system waste streams have been implemented for packaging (the “Packaging Act”), Act No. 541/2020 Coll.


Get your EPR number in countries where you sell your goods with packages


Who bears the responsibility?

The Packaging Act and its associated regulations apply to all:

  • Producer
  • Distributors
  • Importers
  • Manufacturers


What constitutes packaging?

  • Paper and cardboard
  • Metals
  • Plastics
  • Glass
  • Wood
  • Aluminium



The producers are obligated to comply if thresholds extend 300kg and the annual turnover exceeds CZK 25 million.


Producers’ Responsibilities for Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) in the Czech Republic

The producer must register with the appropriate organization to obtain the packaging registration number:

1 EPR registration in Czech Republic

  • The producer must conclude a contract with the eco-operator to get a certificate of participation in the system, including an Identification Number.
  • Quarterly payment Rewards for ensuring the take-back and utilization of packaging waste.
  • Annual payment of the Fee for registration in the combined fulfillment system.

2 Fee Payments

The fee for registering in the EKO‑KOM system is 66 euros without VAT and includes a registration fee to the State Environmental Fund and the amount of 33 euros and an administrative fee for registration in the EKO‑KOM system.

3 Reporting

  • Producers are required to present quarterly packaging reports.


Authorized Proxy

The producer must appoint an authorized proxy based in Czechia to fulfill the packaging law requirements on the producer’s behalf.


Reporting Deadline

  • 1st quarter from 1st April to April 30th.
  • 2nd quarter from July 1st to 30th July.
  • 3rd quarter from October 1stto October 30.
  • 4th quarter from January 1 of the following year to January 30 of the following year.


Sanctions in case of violation

Authorities may impose fines up to 10,000,000 CZK if the business fails to ensure recover of packages put to the market. This fine may be imposed repeatedly.


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