Imposta sulle vendite Dichiarazione IVA Reportistica EPR Fatture
per le vendite transfrontaliere

Fai trading verso nuovi paesi con il calcolo e il reporting delle imposte basato sui prodotti Lovat


Transazione dal 2018


Calcola l’IVA/imposta sulle vendite per 111 paesi


Valute supportate

1 min

Tempo medio di risposta del gestore

Cambia idea sul mondo delle tasse

Determinazione delle imposte in tempo reale/calcolo delle imposte in tempo reale
Software per la conformità alle imposte sulle vendite
Piattaforma per gli adempimenti IVA
Registrazione e conformità EPR
Generazione di fatture
Registrazione IVA e imposta sulle vendite

Il calcolo accurato delle tasse per 111 paesi. Espanditi in nuovi mercati utilizzando l'API delle aliquote fiscali Lovat: integrazione perfetta con il tuo processo di pagamento.

Per saperne di più

Il software di contabilità fiscale Lovat calcola le imposte sulle vendite e archivia le dichiarazioni dei redditi online in modo sicuro con 37 stati degli Stati Uniti.

Per saperne di più

Software IVA end-to-end per gestire le passività IVA globali. Sulla piattaforma Lovat puoi calcolare l'Iva per oltre 100 Paesi per le vendite online del tuo e-commerce e presentare la dichiarazione dei redditi direttamente al fisco.

Per saperne di più

Ottieni i numeri EPR (responsabilità estesa del produttore) in 28 paesi europei per soddisfare i requisiti EPR. Archivia i report EPR utilizzando un software intelligente a sportello unico per tutti i tuoi numeri EPR.

Per saperne di più

Crea e invia fatture con l'API di fatturazione Lovat ai tuoi acquirenti in tutto il mondo. Puoi inviare fatture con l'importo esatto delle imposte per ciascuna riga nelle fatture B2B e B2C.

Per saperne di più

Presenta una domanda online per ricevere il tuo numero IVA o GST. Il software Lovat tiene traccia delle soglie di registrazione IVA per controllare quando un'azienda raggiunge una soglia e deve ottenere un numero di partita IVA/imposta sulle vendite.

Per saperne di più

Integrazioni con un clic con il mercato online più grande del mondo

Strumenti di contabilità e reporting fiscale creati per aziende di qualsiasi dimensione

Per i venditori di e-commerce

Espandendosi su nuovi mercati, la piattaforma Lovat ti aiuterà a mantenere il controllo dei tuoi obblighi fiscali e di conformità EPR. Se utilizzi Marketplace o il tuo sito Web per vendere, Lovat si integra con oltre 50 fantastiche app per semplificare il lavoro di imprenditori e contabili.

più dettagli

Per i fornitori di servizi digitali

In base all'indirizzo del tuo cliente e ai prodotti che vendi, Lovat determina il calcolo accurato delle imposte, per 111 paesi e 127 valute. Puoi tenere traccia della soglia di registrazione fiscale ed essere sicuro che tutti i tuoi obblighi fiscali siano sotto controllo mentre ti espandi.

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Per i facilitatori del mercato

Automatizza il calcolo delle imposte con la rimessa delle imposte e raccogli tutti i set di dati che sei obbligato a raccogliere per il reporting DAC7. Imposta le fatture nel modo desiderato per acquirenti e commercianti. Genera resoconti fiscali per i tuoi commercianti.

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using Lovat really is

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How it works

Register Lovat account Start your free 14-day trial. No payment card is needed. No hidden costs
Fill tax or EPR setting You’ll pick your plan and add your company details. Add your tax number details
Integrate your store Connect your store to Lovat and set up transaction feeds. Transactions flow straight into Lovat and key tax data is stored into Lovat automatically
You're good to go! All the tax returns are pre-filled you just need to check and submit them

Which sales tax accounting software is best?

  • Easy to setup, easy to use
  • Support in 5 languages, support accountants who are ready to help when you get stuck
  • We provide services in 111 countries
  • A large number of supported currencies - 123 currencies
  • The fastest and most competent support in the industry. We answer within 5 minutes

Our friendly support team is here to help

We fundamentally do not use robots and answering machines when answering and assisting clients, only living competent people

Support team help to solve any of your tasks where it is convenient for you:

What our customers are saying

Max B.

Max B.


Good API for Marketplaces. Easy to deploy. Took us one month to start. We use it in test mode till the end of the year. We installed it to get ready for BREXIT and new OMP rules. We have new obligations in the UK with the end of the transition period. We collect all the data for HMRC and calculate VAT for us as and for our vendors

Zalina N.

Zalina N.


It used to be very time-consuming to submit all my VAT returns and complete VAT registration in every country where my business has expanded to Now, thanks to LOVAT, this is in the past.

Risper M.

Risper M.


Our business is operating both in EU and USA the solution which LOVAT offers to cover both regions was a welcomed one for our needs. Integration with various marketplaces and even our own website are working well and without any errors. Also LOVAT support helped us to solve some problems we had with tax authorities as we missed some of the retroactive VAT returns to be filed and didn’t know how we solve this. The pricing is also not that expensive for a high-quality product.

Willis R.

Willis R.

Retail Owner

Due to this platform I do not need a tax expert in my team”
The platform is well integrated with my website. The platform is regularly upgraded with new features and due to new tax rules.
A bit disappointing is that the support is not available on weekends. It would be great to have 24/7 support

Hanna K.

Hanna K.


I shifted from another company to Lovat. In the beginning, this other software seemed cheaper but poor quality forced me to look for an alternative. I switched to Lovat 3 months ago and absolutely happy with it. It seemed a bit more expensive at the beginning, but as I don’t need to pay for additional consulting it turns to be cheaper than it used to be with another software.

Charlie N.

Charlie N.


This software is amazing in the case of filing VAT return in a few click. With the help of the Lovat platform, I can confidently submit my returns in the needed country without missing deadlines. Also, I’ve registered my company for VAT, and this procedure was painless for our team.

Adam S.

Adam S.


Best tax reporting service ever! Very professional and helpful staff, easy and reliable software to use, pricing is also great.

Alfonso R.

Alfonso R.

Stargem Srl

Tax reporting with Lovat is made with a higher level, it is automated and easy to use. The customer service delivers fast and consistent answers, it is always online with a chat to solve problems instantly. Pricing is an issue for us, and they are definitely competitive.

Dmytro B.

Dmytro B.


Lovat helps me to calculate VAT to various countries. Since my business operates in multiple countries, it’s not easy to calculate them accurately. But with Lovat, VAT calculation does not bother me anymore.

Dmitry C.

Dmitry C.


My favorite thing about Lovat is the automation of almost everything. With the different integrations possible – I’m able to upload my data, fill the return and submit it a few clicks and all in one place and this saves really much time for me and keeping me sure that I’m up to date with everything regarding taxes.

Serhii K.

Serhii K.


We operate business in several countries. Due to this solution, we have received the VAT registration and are able to do VAT reporting in easy and comfortable way. Appreciate the support team. The guys are ready to help in case of any questions and solve the problems. Good interface with clear options and functionality.

Lovat is trusted by hundreds of companies

Any further questions?

Have a look around and see how easy using Lovat really is

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Frequently asked questions

Is Lovat software for online sellers only?

Our platform can automate sales tax for e-sellers in both goods and digital stores. For brick and mortar stores we have other products: data loader files with tax rates for the items, tax holidays, by county, state, Tax rates API, invoice API. Ask our sales team for details

Can I manage tax accounting in other countries if I m not an accountant?

40% of our users’ arent tax specialists. Lovat tax software is designed to simplify the process of sales tax preparation and VAT returns preparation all over the world. We give you tax training, live support, tracking tools, and more. You can learn online with our Tax Academy.

Can I commit my Lovat account to my accounting firm?

Yes, we have a special tax agent portal where accounting companies can manage their client’s tax data. You need to issue a POA for them to be able to get access to your Lovat account. At the same time, you will keep your access and can see all submitted tax returns, tax deadlines, and tax due.

What is Lovat?

LOVAT is the best VAT software for paying taxes and managing all tax accounting abroad. With our help, you can always follow the rules of the law, being anywhere in the world. The program is available in 111 countries worldwide.

Using the LOVAT software makes it possible not only to pay taxes quickly and easily, but also to ensure their timely submission by mtd with government agencies. Moreover, the filing of documents is already included in the program and doesn’t require additional payment.

With LOVAT, you can focus on your business goals without worrying about VAT compliance or spending valuable time on it. Our product completely changes the attitude of business towards paying taxes, making it simple and enjoyable.

Why and who should use LOVAT software

You don’t need to be a tax expert to use our software. On the contrary, it simplifies the management of taxes, whether you understand it or not. LOVAT is about versatility for business goals. The program is exactly right for you if you have the following needs: tax accuracy, including sales tax and VAT; automated and timely taxation; the ability to quickly download all documents in the desired format, if an unexpected inspection shows up.

Tax Academy

In addition to the software, our team has developed an entire training program. Here you will learn everything you need to know and be able to do if you are going to work with taxes abroad. All the training is online, which allows you to gain knowledge from anywhere in the world.

Why you should choose LOVAT

At LOVAT, we try to simplify regulation and filing of taxes for businesses. This is done in order for companies to engage and develop their activities, rather than wasting time and resources on tax returns and so on.

By partnering with our international company and using our VAT and product tax software, you can focus on the things that matter to your business. This is especially true for small business.

Advantages of LOVAT

Automatic submission of tax reports and declarations; all accounting online; downloading sales information from different sources; coverage in 57 countries worldwide; tax education; professional real-time support; having an extensive list of tracking tools and more. See how easily you can do VAT filling on Lovat platform <a href=’’>here</a>