Founded in 2018, LOVAT is an international company with a head office in the UK.

98 %
Higher accuracy when registering for an EIN with Lovat
3 hours
Average time saved by automating the EIN registration process through Lovat
$500 saved
On average, users save $500 annually in legal and administrative fees after switching to Lovat for EIN registration

We are a team of tax experts and software developers who want to change the landscape of tax compliance.

We strongly believe that international trade shouldn’t be burdened by tax complexity. Now, LOVAT is one of the leading solution for eCommerce sellers and Marketplaces to manage their cross-border tax obligations. We are keen to help you spend less time on your tax routine. We strongly believe that with our software everyone can handle VAT and sales tax issues for their cross-border sales. Our aim is to make sales tax compliance simple.

We are proud of our users who grow globally, delivering sophisticated products and services even to the most distant locations.

Our key values are:

  • Tax compliance must be accurate
  • Tax compliance can be simple
  • User must have quick support
Clients Seamlessly
Stay Connected

Our software has integrations with popular marketplaces across the globe (Amazon, Shopify, eBay, Etsy, Aliexpress and others). Today, more than 3,000 customers in over 47 countries use LOVAT to manage their taxes in 111 different countries.

We are a small tight-knit team of superheroes empowered by technology. VAT and sales tax is our passion and our life. Our mission is to give you a superpower for your tax compliance.

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One young blue parrot has already signed up, so he is successful in the tax system
