US Sales Tax EIN number for non-US businesses Lovat US Sales Tax EIN number for non-US businesses Lovat If you’re wondering what an EIN is, it’s a unique nine-digit number issued by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) that serves as a Federal Tax Identification Number...
EPR EPR Sweden Lovat EPR EPR Sweden Lovat Update on EPR regulation in Sweden: Packaging Producer Responsibilities and Compliance Guidelines for 2023 It is important to note that the Swedish government has recently announced an ordinance (2022:1274) regarding...
VAT VAT reverse charge mechanism cases for sellers and buyers Lovat VAT VAT reverse charge mechanism cases for sellers and buyers Lovat A reverse charge for sellers 1 Supply between EU member states (EU-EU) Reverse charge is a special scheme when a buyer calculates...
EPR EPR packaging obligation in Austria: registration & reporting Lovat EPR EPR packaging obligation in Austria: registration & reporting Lovat New EPR obligation in Austria for packaging recycling The new Austrian packaging ordinance, which came into force...
EPR EPR packaging obligation in the Netherlands Lovat EPR EPR packaging obligation in the Netherlands Lovat In the Netherlands, both producers and importers are responsible for the waste from packaging materials, brought on the market. This is called Extended Producer...