How to Add Your Incoming Invoices to the VAT Return

 In this video, we will show you how you can fill in the information about incoming invoices on the Lovat platform. An incoming invoice is an invoice issued to you. You can do it by entering the total amount of VAT you have paid in your VAT return. Now let’s take a look at our example of the incoming invoice for the Netherlands. We can see that it has our company VAT number written, and also the VAT number of our supplier. Both VAT numbers are Dutch ones, so we can use this incoming invoice and fill in the information about it. First of all, we need to fill in the date of the invoice. We can see that the paid date of the invoice is the 22nd of February 2020. 


So we take this date and fill it on the platform. Please note, that you can fill in the information about invoices even if they were not issued in this month, February in our example. By this I mean that if for example, I had an invoice issued in January I can still use it, meaning that it would be accepted by the company in February VAT return as the invoices can be accepted even three years after the issue date. Then we fill in the VAT number of our supplier. And now we just need to fill in the value of supplies with our VAT and the VAT sum, which can be also taken from the invoice.