Read the latest news and announcements from Lovat

Monthly newsletter

The Lovat Newsletter is all of the most important global tax news for a given month. Click on the link for the required period to get acquainted with the innovations and changes in the law of different countries, as well as news within the Lovat company.

July 2024 read it now
June 2024 read it now
May 2024 read it now
April 2024 read it now
March 2024 read it now
February 2024 read it now
January 2024 read it now
December 2023 read it now
November 2023 read it now
October 2023 read it now
September 2023 read it now
August 2023 read it now
July 2023 read it now
June 2023 read it now
May 2023 read it now
April 2023 read it now
March 2023 read it now
February 2023 read it now
January 2023 read it now
December 2022 read it now
November 2022 read it now


Software updates

The Lovat platform is not a static website. It’s alive. It was created for making it easier to run your business and we constantly update it for your convenience. Every month we improve the functionality and add new features to our product.

July 2023 see the summary of changes
June 2023 see the summary of changes
September 2021  see the summary of changes
August 2021  see the summary of changes
July 2021  see the summary of changes
June 2021  see the summary of changes

