Deliver fast with LOVAT APIs

Quickly integrate Lovat technologies into your app or website. Our Developer Center guides you through the entire development process, explains concepts, and offers robust APIs in all supported languages, comprehensive reference documentation, and free sandbox accounts.

A VAT Compliance API

Feed API

Allows you to upload order data to Lovat


Provides you with an accurate tax rate for your products or services.

Integration Guide

Request and Response

All API requests must be made over HTTPS. Calls made over plain HTTP will fail. You must authenticate for all requests. The SEND method implements the reception of data about the transaction, taking into account the processing and calculation of VAT and system charges.

Referrer URL{access_token}?if_digital={true/false}&if_vat_calculate={true/false}  

Call options

Call parameters are divided into two types:

  • Route parameters (token)
  • Query parameters (transaction data)

The token is generated in the merchant’s internal account at the first stage of adding the website. You can get it from your manager or find it in the Store – Settings section. The request parameters are generated by the merchant and sent to the server using the POST method in the application/ x-www-form-urlencoded or application / json format  


currency String / USD, EUR, RUB, GBP Transaction currency
transaction_sum Float / 25 Transaction amount
customer_ip String / Customer’s IP Address
customer_phone_number String / “+7 AAA BBB BB BB” Customer’s Phone Number
billing_address String / “111 First Street,Saratoga, CA 95070, US” Billing address
(address of the payment owner)
transaction_datetime DateTime / 2017-01-09T08:27:22 +00:00 Date and time of the transaction in accordance with ISO 8601 GMT
payment_operator String / “payonline” paypal” Payment Operator

The full list of parameters is available in API guides

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One young blue parrot has already signed up, so he is successful in the tax system
