New rules on packaging labeling in France

New rules on packaging labeling in France

In 2015, France implemented regulations for using the Triman mark «sign that indicates that the packaging should be recycled and its components should be disposed of separately». Starting January 1, 2022, the Triman symbol and recycling guidance must be printed immediately on the product or its packaging, providing this information online is not acceptable anymore. By March 9, 2023, all packaging have a new sorting logo unless it qualifies for specific exemptions or is intended for recycling.

Triman Logo

The French government requires the Triman symbol to be displayed on all packaging sold in France. This measure aims to simplify and enhance the transparency of the waste sorting process. All types of packaging, from plastic to organic materials, must display the Triman label and recycling information, including household packaging, shoes, textiles, printed materials, tires, and furniture. While the label doesn’t guarantee that every piece of waste will be recycled, its main objective is to ensure that all packaging waste is selected and separated for optimal recycling.

What has changed in 2022

Currently, the Triman mark is mandatory for all types of products and must be reflected in all kinds of waste in France.

What if the Triman logo cannot be shown on a product due to its small size?

According to the newly approved demands, a link to a website or product page with a description of the product and the demands for sorting and recycling with a description is no longer sufficient. The Triman mark and sorting guidelines and regulations must be printed or attached to the type and specifics of the packaging.

If the package is smaller than 10 cm², sorting information can be found in the product instructions or application.

For products or packages between 10 and 20 cm², the Triman symbol must be placed on the package and included in the sorting instructions or brochure.

For products or packages more significant than 20 cm², the Triman logo must be printed or affixed to the package and the sorting directions.

Tips for sorting

Companies should place clear and understandable steps on properly sorting packaging near the Triman logo. These tips and directions can be in the form of icons or text.

Type of formats

Manufacturers are offered two formats, which they can select from the Triman mark on the packaging: Standard or Compact. The choice of a specific type depends on:

  • The number of items;
  • Size restrictions;
  • Shape restrictions.

The standard format is a reference format that should primarily be used when space on the packaging allows.

The compact format should be used when space on the packaging is limited. It cannot be reduced in size as it consists of a 6 mm trim, the minimum size allowed by the French Environment Agency.

Suppliers, producers, and retailers should remember the importance of separating the different packaging components to facilitate recycling.

The importance of separating the different components of a package to facilitate recycling can be emphasized. The full wording below the cartridge reinforces this message.

On the other hand, it is recommended NOT to encourage separate use for certain types of packaging. For example, the following message could be included: “Leave the cap on the bottle”.

Designation of colors in the logo

At the manufacturer’s discretion, it is possible to use various shades of the logo, offered in color or monochrome.

The reproduction of the logotype must be done:

  • in direct tone Pantone® when the printing process allows it,
  • in the CMYK four-color process, when direct tone printing is not possible,
  • in RGB colors for screen use (web, video, apps, office automation, etc.)

When color printing is not technically feasible, the logotype must be applied to the monochrome color of your choice.

Background application should always be done in a way that guarantees good visibility against the background.

Comprehensive Guide to EPR in France

The new packaging and labeling rules are part of a broader EPR strategy in France. From producer responsibilities to waste management initiatives, EPR covers all aspects of compliance.

For a full understanding of EPR requirements in France, refer to our detailed guide.

August 19, 2024 2226
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