EPR Packaging Thresholds

EPR Packaging Thresholds

This table provides an overview of all the thresholds by country that require companies to register for the EPR Packaging rules. In some cases, the thresholds relate to the amount of packaging a company places on the market in a particular country, while in other cases it depends on the company’s turnover in the country where its products are sold.

With the table, you can easily check where registration is required or mandatory for your company.

The thresholds indicated in the tables relate only to volumes in the country of registration, and not to total sales or turnover in different countries.

Despite the threshold, in some countries like Ireland, companies can voluntarily join recycling systems and become members, confirming their compliance with the rules.

To order EPR registration complete the Lovat questionnaire.

EPR packaging thresholds in Europe

Country Amount of waste Year turnover
Austria 0 0
Belgium 300 kg
Bulgaria 0 0
Croatia 0 0
Cyprus 0 0
Czech Republic 300 kg
Denmark 0 0
Estonia 50 kg
Finland 0 0
France 0 0
Germany 0 0
Greece 0 0
Hungary 0 0
Ireland 10.000 kg 1 million EUR
Italy 200.000 EUR
Latvia 300 kg
Lithuania 500kg
Luxembourg 0 0
Malta 100 kg 0
Netherlands 50.000 kg
Poland 0 0
Portugal 0 0
Romania 0 0
Slovakia 0 0
Slovenia 0 0
Spain 0 0
Sweden 0 0
UK 25.000 kg 1.616 million EUR
October 7, 2024 700
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