
Digital services
Digital services
Digital services
Digital services
Digital services

VAT standard rate

The standard VAT rate in Ukraine in 2024 is 20%

VAT reduced rate

The 14% rate applies to imports of goods and supplies of certain types of agricultural products. The reduced rate of 7% applies to the supply and import of medicines and medical devices, medical equipment, transportation, cultural services, and tourism.

VAT zero rate

The list of goods on the territory of Ukraine for which the 0% rate applies includes export goods, healthcare products and medicines, international transportation, and international financial services.
From January 1, 2022, new rules regarding VAT taxation in the provision of digital products/services to individuals by non-resident enterprises are in force in Ukraine.

VAT Standard rate

The standard VAT rate in Ukraine in 2024 is 20%.
VAT Standard rate 20% VAT Reduced rate 14%, 7% Thresholds ₴1.000.000
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1 000 000 UAH for the previous calendar year is the threshold for a company after which it is obliged to register as a VAT payer. The application for registration must be submitted by March 31 of the following year. A taxable person who has not reached this amount may voluntarily register as a VAT payer by submitting an application no later than 10 days before the beginning of the reporting period. If non-residents who are not registered as tax payers bring goods into the customs territory of Ukraine in quantities subject to taxation under the law, such individuals must pay the tax during the customs clearance of goods without registering as taxpayers of such tax. Low value goods. Goods of a total value not exceeding 150 euro exempt from customs duties and VAT.

Deductible vat

As a rule, VAT paid on the purchase and/or import of goods and services used by a registered business entity in its business activities may be refunded by crediting the original VAT.

Registration procedure

The registration application of a value-added taxpayer is submitted to the supervisory authority at the location (place of residence) of the payer using the information and communication system “Electronic Cabinet”, which can be accessed at or the information and communication system “Single Window for Electronic Reporting”.

Vat representative

Appointing a VAT representative for non-resident companies are not required.

VAT returns filing date and VAT payment date

VAT must be declared monthly with a deadline for the submission of returns 20 days after the end of the period. VAT must be paid 10 days after reporting deadline.


Ukrainian legislation provides that non-residents should register as VAT payers in Ukraine if all of the following conditions are met:
  • The foreign provider does not have a permanent presence in Ukraine;
  • The non-resident provides digital products/services to individuals or private entrepreneurs (not VAT payers) in the customs territory of Ukraine;
  • The sum of all the services provided for the year 2021 exceeds the amount equivalent to UAH 1 000 000.

Pieces of evidence

In order to establish the actual location of an individual – the recipient of services, the following information is taken into account:
  • If digital products/services are provided by means of fixed communication, the actual location of the natural person – recipient of services is considered to be the country of establishment of the fixed communication line (location of the telecommunications provider whose services were used by the recipient in the process of receiving digital services);
  • If digital products/services are provided by means of mobile (mobile) communications – the actual location of the individual – the recipient of services is the country identified by the mobile country code of the SIM card used when receiving such services;
  • If digital products/services are provided by means of communication other than those specified in this paragraph, including using an access card, the actual location of the individual – the recipient of services is considered to be the country in which such other means of communication are located or to which the card is sent access for its use (including the location of the device, determined by its IP address, which was used by the recipient of the digital service).
Additional evidence for determining the location of an individual – the recipient of services, one of which is used simultaneously with one of the information specified in subparagraphs “a” – “c” of this paragraph, are:
  • Billing address of the natural person – recipient of services;
  • Bank details, in particular, the location of the bank account used to pay for digital services;
  • Other commercially sensitive information.

E-services list

Digital services – services provided via the Internet, automatically, with the help of information technology and mainly without human intervention, including by installing a special application or application on smartphones, tablets, television receivers, or other digital devices. These services include, but are not limited to:
  • Supply of digital copies, provision of access to images, texts, and information, including, but not limited to, subscription to digital newspapers, magazines, and books, provision of access and/or download of photographs, graphics, and video materials;
  • Providing access to databases, including the use of search engines and directory services on the Internet;
  • Supply of digital copies (digital information) and/or provision of access to audiovisual works, video and audio education on order, games, including the supply of services for participation in such games, supply of services for access to television programs (channels) or their packages, except for access to television programs simultaneously with their broadcast through a television network;
  • Providing access to information, commercial, entertainment digital resources, and other similar resources, in particular, but not exclusively, hosted on platforms for public access to information or video materials;
  • Supply of distance learning services on the Internet, the conduct and provision of which does not require human participation, including by providing access to virtual classrooms, educational resources in which students complete tasks online, and grades are set automatically, without human intervention (or with minimal involvement);
  • Provision of a cloud service in terms of providing computing resources, storage resources, or digital communication systems using cloud computing technologies;
  • Supply of software and updates to it, including digital copies, providing access to them, as well as remote maintenance of software and digital equipment;
  • Provision of PR services on the Internet, mobile applications, and other digital resources, and provision of advertising space, including by placing banner advertising messages on websites, web pages, or web portals. The list is not exhaustive.

Registration procedure

An application for registration as a taxpayer is submitted to the central executive body in digital form through a special portal. In addition to the application, it is necessary to provide an extract from the trade register and a tax certificate from the country’s incorporation. The application for registration as a taxpayer shall contain information on registration in the incorporation country, identification data of a non-resident, data of his representative, e-mail address, the reason for registration, information on exceeding the threshold, as well as the foreign currency (euro or US dollar) in which the foreign company/person will pay tax.

VAT returns filing

The only reporting that must be filed is a simplified VAT return (also submitted digitally) which files within 40 days after the end of each quarter. A special simplified declaration form has been created for non-residents providing digital services.

VAT payment

The amount of tax is payable within 30 days after the deadline for filing the VAT return. Taxpayer must calculate their tax obligations and pay the respective tax in USD or EUR. The non-resident will have the payment requisites and the forms of declaration the via tax portal. There is no restriction concerning the account from which the taxes must be paid, so non-residents are free to pay taxes straight from their foreign bank accounts.


As of 2023, the fine for refusing to register is UAH 195,000.
October 2, 2024 824
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