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Mexico VAT guide

Mexico, VAT is called “Impuesto al Valor Agregado”, abbreviated IVA.

VAT Standard rate

VAT standard rate in Mexico in 2024 is 16%, which applies to supplies of goods and imports with exemptions. Export in Mexico is zero-rated.

VAT Reduced rate

VAT reduced rate in Mexico is 8%, and applies in special regions of Mexico. Businesses may qualify for reduced rate when they sell goods to the Northern and Southern Border regions of Mexico, but it doesn’t apply to imports.
Non-resident providers of digital services need to register for VAT in Mexico. This legislation is in force since June 1, 2020. The Mexican authorities approved a bill that imposed a value-added tax (VAT) on non-resident electronic service providers and electronic platforms that sell digital services to Mexican residents. It is worth noting, that both B2C and B2B supplies are in the scope of these amendments.

VAT standard rate

VAT standard rate in Mexico in 2024 is 16%.

VAT Withheld by Foreign Intermediaries

If the foreign intermediary is involved in the supply of goods or services, the percentages they should withhold for the supplier depend on the supplier’s residence and valid RFC. For those based in Mexico, if they have a valid RFC the intermediary should withhold 50% of their VAT, otherwise they must withhold 100%. All suppliers based outside Mexico should have 100% of their VAT withheld by the intermediary.
VAT Standard rate 16% VAT Reduced rate 8% Thresholds -
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VAT registration threshold

There is no registration threshold in Mexico. Any business who is providing taxable activity have to register for VAT in Mexico.

Deductible VAT

Resident businesses can reclaim input tax by deducting it from output tax. Non-resident businesses who do not have permanent residence and are not registered for VAT cannot reclaim input tax.

Registration procedure

It is mandatory to have a local company or permanent establishment in Mexico to become a taxpayer. Businesses have to apply for tax identification number in the Federal Taxpayers Registry of the Tax Administration Service. The procedure for getting a registration needs to be done personally or it can also be started electronically (pre-registration) through the SAT website and be completed personally within ten days of submitting the electronic application.

Keeping records

The period of keeping records in Mexico must be at least five years.

VAT returns filing and payment date

VAT returns in Mexico must be submitted electronically and paid monthly within 17 days of the month following the reporting period.


Penalties in Mexico are applicable for late filing and payment of VAT returns. In cases of fraud and non-payment of taxes, there may be imprisonment punishment.

E-invoicing Mexico

In 2004, Electronic Invoicing appeared in Mexico. Mexico was one of the first countries in Latin America to promote the use of electronic tax receipts. In 2005, the first version of the electronic invoice system (Comprobantes Fiscales Digitales), CFD 1.0, was released. Since 2014, all taxpayers have been required to e-invoicing. In Mexico, electronic invoicing must comply with the CFDI (Comprobantes Fiscales Digitales por Internet) format. Starting January 1, 2022, version 4.0 of the CFDI was introduced. Starting April 1, 2023, the only accepted version of the CFDI is 4.0. In 2024, CFDI is a consolidated invoicing system in Mexican society. Since 2010, Mexico has required a PAC (Authorized Certification Provider) to handle with electronic invoices. This is a company approved by the Internal Revenue Service (SAT) that helps create and process tax electronic documents. A PAC operates entirely digitally.


There is no registration threshold for non-resident digital service providers. Companies providing digital services to Mexican residents are obliged to register with Federal Taxpayers Registry (or Registro Federal de Contribuyentes, known as the RFC) from the first sale.

Deductible VAT

There are no VAT deductions for all electronic service providers in the Mexico.

Pieces of evidence

To determine that the place of supply of electronic services is the Mexico, it is only necessary to provide services to any person or company residing in the Mexico. This includes persons using the services for personal consumption as well as those using them for trade or commercial purposes.

E-services list

The list of digital services includes the following:

  • Licenses, upgrades, and extensions, comprising website filters and firewalls.
  • Smartphone apps, video games, and virtual games.
  • Webcasts and web seminars.
  • Digital materials such as music, files, pictures, text, and info.
  • Ad platforms that furnish online advertising space on digital media platforms.
  • Online portals that facilitate the buying, displaying, and assessment of prices for products and services, such as electronic bazaars or networks.
  • Search engine solutions.
  • Social media services.
  • Databases and hosting, e.g. website hosting, online data storage, file sharing, and cloud storage solutions.
  • Internet telecommunication.
  • Digital publications and magazine subscriptions.

Exempted supply of services

  • Download or access of electronic books, newspapers, and magazines;
  • Agriculture or livestock;
  • Renting of Real Estate for residential purposes.

Registration procedure

To become a VAT payer in the Mexico, companies should be registered with Mexican Tax Administration Service (SAT) online. The application should be accompanied with the company’s extract from trade register apostilled and officially translated to Spanish language.

Tax representative

Non-resident companies or non-resident intermediaries that provide electronic services and register for VAT are required to appoint a representative to act as your local agent and be responsible for fulfilling your tax obligations on your behalf.

Keeping records

For non-resident companies that are e-service providers in the Mexico, the general requirement for keeping accounting records is five years. Keeping records abroad is possible.

Filling VAT return

VAT-registered taxpayers are required to file the Monthly VAT Returns. The filing deadline for taxes should be determined by the sixth digit of the taxpayer’s RFC number. Depending on the digit, the deadline should take place 17 days after the reporting month. For the digit 1 or 2, one working day should be added; for 3 or 4, two working days; for 5 or 6, three working days; for 7 or 8, four working days; and for 9 or 0, five working days.

VAT payment date

Electronic service providers are required to make payments within the same deadline which is stated for filling VAT return.
October 15, 2024 1267
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